G.B. Fire Safety Ltd.

Company Registered Address: 80 Friar Gate Derby DE1 1FL      Company Registered in England and Wales No:  09582633

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Basic Course Information:  Fire evacuation drill and training for all staff, fire wardens and managers.

Instructor:  Gary Broadhurst

Attendees:  All staff (especially night staff)


Location: Premises training room or lounge and one active fire zone.

Length of course: 1.5 - 2 hours as instructed by the manager.  

Course Objectives The purpose of this course is to test the current evacuation procedures using live casualties (staff acting as others) and to ensure fire wardens have the knowledge to safely evacuate the residents and visitors including; taking charge of an emergency situation and detailing other staff what to do.

This includes knowledge of company policies relative to fire safety within the premises, correct procedures to follow if an evacuation is required, how and when to silence the fire alarm, how to detail staff instructions from the fire panel, how and when to record all incidents and how to use the evacuation equipment provided on site.

Staff will usually attend a moving and handling course before attending this course.

After you have attended this course, you will be able to:

• Know the specific company policies related to fire safety including patient handling and moving

• Know the locations of the assembly points for staff and visitors

• Know how fire wardens’ brief staff in relation to searching fire zones safely

• Know how to open a fire door safely if a fire is suspected (practical use)

• Know how to search fire zones methodically (practical use)

• Understand the evacuation procedures and how they are applied practically

• Understand the roles and responsibilities of all staff and the fire wardens in an emergency including    moving and handling

• Understand the fire zone plans and detail staff at the fire panel to search fire zones

• Understand the worst zones to evacuate in the property including locations and number of persons in

  each zone, and run through a practical scenario to practice using staff acting as visitors or residents etc

• Understand the time it takes to move everyone to a place of safety using the available equipment

• De-brief to go through learning points and discuss best practice

• Q&A

Feedback It is my goal to make this an excellent and safe course, stimulating and enjoyable experience for all of us.  If at any time you feel that the course is not meeting your expectations, or you want to ask questions please do so at any time after the drill has taken place or when in the classroom.  If you would like to provide anonymous comments, please contact your manager who will in turn report the feedback to me.

Further information about the course please contact your manager who will in turn contact myself.

Fire evacuation training plays a key part of the safety of all who are inside your premises and if an emergency arises in your place of work, you will need to respond in a professional and calm manner ensuring you look after the safety of yourself and others by getting persons to a place of safety as soon as possible and calling 999 to give assistance.

Certification all attendees receive an individual electronic version certificate of attendance.

Please click here for the Lesson Plan and  Learning Outcome guideline.

Fire Evacuation Drill Syllabus

Please click here  for our online booking form
Price starts at the following rate depending on location and travel - £395