G.B. Fire Safety Ltd.

Company Registered Address: 80 Friar Gate Derby DE1 1FL      Company Registered in England and Wales No:  09582633

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Basic Course Information:  Fire evacuation sledge training for all staff, fire wardens and managers

Instructor: Gary Broadhurst

Attendees:  All staff (especially night staff)  

Location:  Premises training room or lounge and one set of  stairs previously

              assessed for safety reasons to ensure it is deemed suitable for the

              purpose of training.

Length of course: 1.5 hours as instructed by the manager.  

Course Objectives:  The purpose of this course is to provide suitable and safe training within a safe environment using the evacuation sledge/s to ensure staff can place persons inside the equipment safely and securely, bring live casualties to a lower level, and know how to store and inspect the equipment

A risk assessment and method statement will support this course, and the area and personnel used will be constantly assessed during the entire length of the training to ensure it remains safe

After you have attended this course, you will be able to:

• Understand three other methods of getting a person downstairs without using the sledge

   (practical demonstration by the trainer)

• Understand when to use the sledge and its purpose

• Know how to inspect the equipment to ensure it is safe to use

• Know how to place a person inside the sledge and what safety measures are in place to avoid the    casualty from injuries

• Safety measures to take when using a sledge on stairs including the importance of keeping the balance    and head towards the top of the stairs

• How to guide the sledge downstairs at the head and base of the sledge

• Q&A

Feedback It is my goal to make this an excellent and safe course, stimulating and enjoyable experience for all of us.  If at any time you feel that the course is not meeting your expectations, you feel unwell or you want to ask questions please do so at any time.  If you would like to provide anonymous comments, please contact your manager who will in turn report the feedback to me.

Further information about the course please contact your manager who will in turn contact me. Fire evacuation sledge training plays a key part of the evacuation procedures in place if you need to bring persons down to a lower level for their safety.

Certification all attendees receive an individual electronic version certificate of attendance.

Please click here for the Lesson Plan and  Learning Outcome guideline.

Emergency Evacuation Sledge Training Syllabus

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